
PM Netanyahu
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Netanyahu seeking compromise on expat bill

PM wants discussions with coalition members on bill that would allow Israelis abroad to vote; no decision on bill expected in Sunday's Knesset committee meeting

Sunday's Knesset committee discussion on a bill that would allow Israelis abroad the right to vote will likely not end in a decision, as Prime Minister Netanyahu aims to secure a compromise on the controversial law, officials at the PM's Office said late Saturday.


Netanyahu wishes to reach a compromise that would only allow Israelis who lived abroad for no longer than five years to cast a ballot, thereby eliciting the backing of more Knesset factions.


"Those who truly left the country would not be determining the fate of its residents," the prime minister told Government Secretary Zvi Houser Thursday.


However, despite the clarification, officials at the PM's Office say Netanyahu has not set strict limits yet, and that the bill's clauses will have to be agreed upon by coalition parties, as well as other Knesset factions.


"This is a process, and therefore we are not expecting a decision by the end of Sunday," said Head of the National Information Directorate, Nir Hefetz. "Talks will be held among the parties, and then we will formulate a bill that will allow Israelis abroad to vote."


Aviad Glickman contributed to the story


פרסום ראשון: 02.14.10, 00:11
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