
Peres at Pri Galil factory
Photo: Avihu Shapiro

Peres: Lebanon could be Mideast's Switzerland

President on visit to north says 'Hezbollah has changed from religious movement to Iranian agent'

President Shimon Peres said Thursday he did not believe there would be a war with Hezbollah anytime soon.


Speaking before high school students in the northern city of Hatzor Haglilit, Peres accused Hezbollah of "preventing Lebanon from becoming the Switzerland of the Middle East" as well as unity in the state.


Referring to Iran he expressed hope that "Hezbollah will stop bowing down before the gods of missiles and begin praying to the god of peace".


"Hezbollah has changed from a religious movement into a military wing. It has changed from a Lebanese organization into an Iranian agent. The State of Israel has upheld the UN resolution in its entirety, and returned to Lebanon all of the territory belonging to it. Those who have destroyed and continue to destroy and prevent union are Hezbollah," Peres said.


The president also told reporters at the event that he had "no idea" about the assassination of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai.


Students present at Peres's speech handed him a petition calling for the release of Jonathan Pollard, jailed in the US for spying for Israel.


"We will continue to seek his release as soon as possible. We have made many efforts in the past and we are currently doing so as well. All of the presidents and prime ministers who served in Israel have appealed to all presidents who served in the US during this time but were all turned down," he said.


After meeting with the students Peres visited the Pri Galil factory in the area, which was prevented from closing down last year by a furious struggle and is considered one of the forerunners of the Galilee's economy.


Peres spoke of the development in the north and promised Mayor Shimon Suissa that he would continue to help.


"There is a natural connection between Shimon Peres and the periphery, and some of the region's best success stories are related to him," Suissa said. "The security threats we have known have stressed the residents' determination to live here."


פרסום ראשון: 02.25.10, 12:56
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