
Begin. 'Nonsense'
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Jerusalem man suspected of sending toy gun to Begin

City resident detained for questioning after arriving at police station to file complaint over stolen identity card, confesses to sending threatening letter to minister

The Jerusalem Police on Friday detained a 40-year-old resident of the city on suspicion of sending a toy gun and threatening letter to Minister Benny Begin earlier this week.


The man was arrested after arriving to file a complaint with the police about stolen money. One the officers noticed that his handwriting was similar to the one on the threatening letter.


The suspect was questioned and admitted to sending the letter. He said he had sent the toy gun as a Purim gift to the minister.


The police were expected to ask the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court to extend the man's remand.


Minister Begin told Ynet that the envelope never made its way into his hands. He also maintained his composure about the turn of events.


"I heard about it. I know Purim is coming up. The envelope did not reach my office. Does every bit of nonsense need to be taken seriously? Do I sound worried to you? I am not busying myself with this at all. Whoever needs to deal with it, will deal with it," Begin said.


Knesset sources said the police were updated on the matter, but declined making an official comment, saying that "the Knesset does not report on security matters."


פרסום ראשון: 02.26.10, 11:08
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