
Exaggerated expenses. Barak
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Ministers against limiting expenses during trips abroad

Committee on Legislative Affairs rejects bill calling for clear guidelines on permissible expenses during ministerial trips abroad

The Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs rejected on Sunday a bill which outlines clear guidelines regarding the permissible expenses during ministerial trips abroad that are funded by public coffers.


The bill was submitted following a state comptroller report regarding the defense establishment's delegation to the Paris Air Show.


Micha Lindenstrauss' scathing report blamed severe organizational failures for the delegation's extreme expenses, which it said totaled NIS 1 million (about $264,000) for the lodgings of Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his entourage, and for the other 34 members of the Israeli delegation.


According to the bill, which was drafted by Knesset members Nachman Shai (Kadima), Yoel Hasson (Kadima), and Arieh Eldad (National Union), personal punishment will be issued to ministers who violate the rules.


In the explanation to the bill, the MKs said the state comptroller suggested that parliament establish regulations dealing with trips by ministers abroad, including the maximum amount they are allowed to spend and the hotels they are permitted to stay in. 


פרסום ראשון: 03.07.10, 19:01
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