
'Iran threatens entire world.' Ban (L) with Shalom
Photo: Shahar Azran

Shalom to Ban: Bring sign of life from Shalit

In New York meeting with UN chief, vice premier says Israel's policy vis-à-vis Gaza direct result of Hamas rule. Adds: We have proof Syria involved in smuggling of Iran arms to Hezbollah

Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom asked Ban Ki-moon on Monday to bring a sign of life from captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.


Shalom made the request during a meeting with the UN chief in New York. Israel has announced that it would permit Ban to enter Gaza during his scheduled trip to the region in about two weeks.


Responding to the UN secretary-general query about the continued Israeli siege on Gaza, Shalom said it was the direct result of Hamas' rule in the coastal enclave and linked Israel's policy to the inadequate conditions Shalit is being held in.


Shalit was captured by Palestinian terrorists during a cross-border raid on an IDF base near Gaza.


During the meeting, Ban addressed Lebanon's complaints of Israeli violations of its airspace. Shalom said the overflights are necessary in light of the fact that Hezbollah is continuing to arms itself with rockets and other weapons that are aimed at Israel in direct violation of UN Resolution 1701, which ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006.


The vice premier also said Israel and other western countries have solid proof of Syria's involvement in the smuggling of Iranian arms to the Lebanese Shiite group and asked Ban to work towards curbing the weapons transfers.


Shalom told Ynet after the meeting that he demanded "crippling sanctions" against Iran, "Because Iran is the entire world's problem, not only Israel's.


"Iran also threatens the Gulf states, Egypt and Jordan," he said.


Yitzhak Benhorin contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 03.09.10, 08:43
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