
The torched mosque
Photo: AFP

Court lifts limitations on mosque arson suspects

Jerusalem District Court rescinds judicial restrictions imposed on three minors in case of torched Yasuf mosque

The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court rescinded the judicial limitations imposed on three Yitzhar youths suspected of setting fire to a large mosque in the West Bank village of Yasuf in mid December.


Similar judicial limitations imposed on the two adults arrested in the case were lifted last week.


Celebrations erupted at the West Bank settlement following the court's decision, with residents saying that the entire case was much ado about nothing.


"We're happy to see another case of abuse by the system come to an end and we hope it is the last one," one of the settlers told Ynet Tuesday.


The alleged prime suspect, Zvi Sukott, told Ynet that the police and Shin Bet "mark people and then they won't let go. They summon me for interrogations over nothing, and even at my engagement party last week the police screened all my guests en route to the wedding."


Sukott added he felt persecuted, especially since the police informed him that the case against him will remain open.


"They already know we had nothing to do with it, yet they told me that anywhere I go, people will see that I'm linked to the torching of the mosque. It's a shame. I'm glad to see that the court, at least, wants justice to prevail." 


A police statement said that, "The investigation of the mosque's arson is ongoing. The limitations were not lifter, but rather the term of house arrest, ordered by the court two months ago, came to its end. The suspects motioned to have the time period barring them from the area shortened and the police agreed.


"Once the investigation is concluded, the case will be turned over the State Prosecutor's Office for review."


פרסום ראשון: 03.23.10, 17:19
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