
Photo: Reuters

Soldier says his weapon nearly snatched

According to serviceman, assailants escaped after he fired shots in air; police launch investigation

An Israel Defense Forces soldier says three unknown people tried to snatch his weapon while he was standing at a bus stop near the northern community of Nahalal on Wednesday morning.


The soldier said he resisted, fired in the air and made the assailants flee. The Migdal Hemek Police launched an investigation into the incident together with the Shin Bet security service.


Last week it was cleared for publication that eight Israeli Arabs were arrested for attacking two soldiers and stealing their weapons in order to sell them.


Police say the gang's aim was not terror but rather monetary, a goal they reportedly achieved by earning thousands from the sale of the M-16 rifles they allegedly stole.


Shin Bet and police officers arrested the gang members over the past few months. Among the detainees are four family members from Sakhnin, thought to be the initiators of the crimes.


פרסום ראשון: 03.31.10, 09:20
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