
Photo: Mati Elmaliach

Tira man murdered after leaving mosque

Man hit by number of bullets while making his way home from prayers; assailant flees seen

A 59-year-old man was shot dead Saturday morning in an alley in the Arab-Israeli town of Tira.


Bassam Muhammad Samra was hit by a number of bullets fired by an unknown assailant as he was making his way home after praying at a mosque located near the Tira Municipality building.


Samra was evacuated with critical injuries to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where he was pronounced dead.


Large police forces were dispatched to the scene of the crime. They cordoned off the area and began gathering evidence.


Officers were also combing the area in search of the shooter, who fled the scene.



Last month two young men were murdered in nearby Tayibe. Muhammad Haj Yahia, 29, and Haytam Haj Yahia, 22, were both "soldiers" for the Abd el-Kadr clan, which is known to police.


The two men were sitting in a vehicle at the southern entrance to the city when shots were fired at them from a passing car.


פרסום ראשון: 04.10.10, 09:28
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