
Phone stolen from police chief's car
Photo: Ofer Amram

Stolen police chief's phone recovered

Cellular phone stolen from police commissioner's vehicle found in possession of foreign worker; investigators question owner of store where phone was bought

The stolen cellular phone of Israel Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen was found in possession of a foreign worker from Nepal Saturday evening.


The phone was stolen from Cohen's car near his Givataim home Friday.


In his interrogation, the foreign worker told police he purchased the phone in Tel Aviv's Central Bus Station. Investigators headed to the store where the purchase was made and detained its owner, who had been taken in for questioning by a special police team.


Police officials said earlier that the stolen cell phone did not contain any classified numbers and estimated that the burglars did not realize they were breaking into the police commissioner's car.


Police Chief Cohen and his family were at home at the time of incident. Cohen later left his home through a back entrance while attempting to avoid the photojournalists at the scene. When they spotted him, he demanded that they turn off their cameras, saying: "This is my private life. Leave me alone, this is not respectable."


פרסום ראשון: 04.10.10, 19:30
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