
Photo: Danny Solomon
Photo: Danny Solomon

Mild tremor felt in northern Israel

Epicenter of quake registering three on Richter Scale located near Kfar Hasidim. 'It was really frightening, especially since it was so close to oil refineries,' office worker says

A very mild earthquake was felt in the Haifa area in northern Israel Monday afternoon.


Dr. Rami Hofstetter, director of the seismology division at the Geophysical Institute of Israel, told Ynet that the epicenter of the 3.0-magnitude quake was located near Kfar Hasidim.


There were no reports of injury or damage.


Many readers who contacted Ynet via Red Mail said the quake was felt at around 4 pm, mainly near the city of Nesher, located near Haifa.


"I was sitting in my office in front of the computer when the quake hit. I swung back and forth on my chair for a few seconds. It was really frightening, especially since it's so close to the oil refineries," said Efrat, who works in Nesher.


Another mild tremor was felt in the north on March 20. That quake registered 3.6 on the Richter Scale. There were no reports of injury or damage.


The quake's epicenter was located near Arik Bridge, north of Lake Kinneret.


Ahiya Raved contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 04.12.10, 17:01
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