
Hillel Cherney
Photo: Ofer Amram
Avigdor Kelner
Photo: Ofer Amram

Holyland affair suspects to remain in custody

Supreme Court rules that there is no dispute over reasonable suspicion that Hillel Cherney and Avigdor Kelner committed a felony. Prosecution: Hundreds more witnesses in bribery case

Supreme Court Justice Uzi Fogelman rejected on Sunday the appeal of Hillel Cherney and Avigdor Kelner, suspects in the Holyland affair, and ruled that they should remain in custody in accordance with the Petah Tikva Regional Court's decision.


The judge ruled that there was no dispute over the reasonable suspicion that a felony was committed and that after reviewing classified information presented by the prosecution he was convinced that there was actual possibility for obstructions of justice


Cherney and Kelner allegedly paid bribes to have the Jerusalem real estate project approved.


Attorney Liat Ben-Ari, representing the prosecution, said during the hearing, "This affair is unprecedented in its severity. I won’t be exaggerating if I say that hundreds of additional witnesses are expected to be interrogated."


According to Ben-Ari, an "impressive scope" of evidence that verifies the suspicions has already been gathered.


Kelner's attorney, Eitan Maoz, disputed the police's request to keep his client in custody.


Cherney's lawyer, Giora Aderet, said his client had initially cooperated with police but later chose to exercise his right to remain silent after his remand was extended by nine days.


"No one can remain lucid after so many days in detention and answer questions in a reasonable manner," Aderet said.


Meanwhile, Shula Zaken's attorney, Micha Fetman, returned to Israel on Sunday. Ynet has learned that law enforcement officials have been conducting talks with Zaken regarding the possibility that she will turn state witness and testify against former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in the Holyland corruption affair.


Zaken, Olmert's former bureau chief, is currently visiting the US. She is expected to return to Israel next week. Attorney Fetman, who traveled to the US with his client, is expected to respond to the State's offer shortly.


פרסום ראשון: 04.18.10, 20:22
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