
View on Damascus
Photo: Ron Ben-Yishai

Syria allows American school to reopen

American school shut by Syrian authorities in November 2008 allowed to reopen; indicates improving ties between two countries, says American official

The US Embassy says Syria has allowed the reopening of an American school in Damascus that was shut down two years ago.


The decision is the latest indication of improving ties between the two countries.


Assistant public affairs officer Sara Cobb says Syrian authorities recently informed the embassy of the decision.


The school was ordered shut in November 2008 in response to a deadly US cross-border raid on a village near the country's border with Iraq.


Washington has reached out to Syria in recent months by nominating the first US ambassador to Damascus since 2005 and sending top diplomats to meet with Syrian officials.


Cobb said on Sunday the embassy welcomes the decision and is studying the feasibility of reopening the school later this year.


פרסום ראשון: 04.19.10, 15:59
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