
Shalit with Yaron Sagi
Photo: Ahiya Raved

'Shalit Tank' starts journey

Father of kidnapped soldier praises wooden tank carrying son's 'Declaration of Independence'

A wooden tank carrying kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit's 'Decleration of Independence' left the Shalit home in Mitzpe Hila Wednesday on a tour spanning all of Israel.


The tank was commissioned by Yaron Sagi, a reserve Armored Corps battalion commander from northern Israel. It was posted in Tel Aviv during Independence Day, on Tuesday.


Sagi is a Shalit activist who says he understood recently he had to think outside the box. He commissioned the tank and stuck the declaration to it, which contains the dates of Shalit's birth and capture.


He said everyone who participated in the initiative, including the carpenter who had built the tank, are former soldiers of the Armored Corps, in which Shalit also served.


"We, the people, have convened to declare that Gilad Shalit must be returned to his family, his home, and his people, due to the natural right to freedom all of us in Israel have," the declaration says.  

Wooden tank constructed by ex-soldiers (Photo: Ahiya Raved)


"We call on all people, no matter their gender, race, or religion, who share this living space with us, within the borders of Israel, to send a message to the initiative that can change the rules of the game and the human behavior in our region."


Sagi explained that he had met with many people who asked him what could be done. "I gave them a simple solution," he said. It was to send an SMS to sign the declaration, for a fee of a little over a dollar per message going to fund the project.


"Every SMA sent activates a mechanism that sends the declaration by email to 50 embassies and consulates of the International Red Cross. It is a modern and efficient way to protest," Sagi said.


On Wednesday morning the tank was brought to the Shalit residence. Gilad's father, Noam, received a briefing of the tank's planned progress from Sagi, who said its journey would terminate at the end of the month. The signed declaration will then be conveyed to the prime minister.


Shalit praised the project, but stressed before the press that it was a private initiative. "No doubt this is an original plan and I hope it helps," he said.


"Everyone knows Gilad cannot cry out. He is mute. His voice fell silent four years ago, but of course he is crying out to us, and to those who sent him on the mission, for help. He is crying out and there is no answer. We bless any move that will make his voice be heard."


The father added that he was pleased a letter he sent to Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal had reached its destination. Of Mashaal's response, which said Shalit should complain to his own country's leaders, Shalit said, "We are not playing ping-pong. Everyone knows his part and his share."


פרסום ראשון: 04.21.10, 11:33
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