
Olmert. Being targeted
Photo: AP
Zaken. Coordinated all the meetings
Photo: Dudu Azoulay
Dankner. Suspected of giving bribes
Photo: Yariv Katz

Police target Olmert in Zaken, Dankner interrogations

Former Prime Minister Olmert's bureau chief being questioned, however investigators focus interrogation on her ex-boss, who is also being targeted in businessman's questioning

After spending the night at the Neve Tirza Prison, Shula Zaken is facing an interrogation at the National Fraud Investigation Unit offices in Lod. Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's bureau chief is slated to be questioned for her part in the Holyland affair.


She is suspected of receiving and brokering bribes for Olmert in exchange for promoting the Holyland building project.


The investigators' main objective in Zaken's interrogation is to make progress before questioning Olmert. They are slated to submit a document containing the interrogation's stages and the questions the former premier will face upon his arrest.


In questioning Zaken, investigators aim to reveal what the bureau chief knew of meetings between Olmert and the state witness. She was the one who coordinated the meetings and police suspect she attended part of them, as she allegedly received bribes from the Holyland entrepreneurs.


Zaken will first be questioned regarding her former boss' involvement, and later regarding suspicions pertaining to her part in the affair.

Dankner arriving at the National Fraud Investigation Unit offices (Photo: Yariv Katz)


Meanwhile, businessman Danny Dankner, who is suspected of giving bribes as part of the "the Salt Industries affair," was brought to the Unit's offices Tuesday. As in Zaken's case, he will not be the target of his interrogation, but Olmert.


It should be noted that no direct link has been reported between Olmert or Zaken and the Salt Industries affair. Dankner is suspected of bribing former head of Israel Lands Administration Yaacov Efrati in return for getting the construction freeze on his company's land removed.


Olmert served as trade, labor and industry minister at the time and as such was responsible for the Lands Administration. He was the one who presented the deal before the Administration council. 


Sources close to the investigation therefore estimated that Olmert will also be questioned in connection to the affair.


Dankner has been questioned regarding his ties with Olmert at the time of the deal. The businessman has been under house arrest since last week and has undergone several interrogation rounds. Having been asked about his alleged bribe to Efrati, Dankner will now face questions regarding the transfer of funds to Olmert.


After concluding the interrogation of the former prime minister's confidant attorney Uri Messer, police senior officials are slated to decide shortly when to summon Olmert.


"One has to bear in mind this is a very clever, sharp man. We are getting prepared and tying up all the loose ends to avoid future questioning," a police source said, referring to Olmert.


פרסום ראשון: 04.27.10, 14:14
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