
Barak, hopes proximity talks yield results
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Barak: Consider expanding gov't

Defense minister tells Labor MKs breakthrough in peace talks with Palestinians 'warrants all efforts, including expanding government'

A month after the Netanyahu government celebrated it first year in power, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, one of the government's senior components, said on Monday, "If it turns out that the government must be expanded, will have to seriously consider an expansion. A breakthrough warrants all efforts, including expanding the government."


At a Labor faction meeting held in Knesset, Barak spoke of his visit to the United States: "The visit was very intensive, full of meetings with administration heads - the president, congress members and intelligence officials. The talks were important and interesting, particularity on political and security matters. My opinion that security ties are as deep and strong as ever has been reinforced."


Of US-Israel ties, he added, "They are occupied with a long line of global issues. There is anticipation in the US that alongside the deep support and cooperation, a channel will be found through which Israel will move forward with them towards a peace process. I hope and believe that the proximity talks will lead to direct negotiations and to results.


"This will require an effort from all parties. I pushed for a deeper understanding of our position, and said we are committed to moving forward. I believe that the tests will be in the coming months, and we will have to apply our influence in the government to get the ties with the United States on the right track."


Also in the meeting, Labor Knesset members approved MK Raleb Majadele's appointment as deputy Knesset speaker.


פרסום ראשון: 05.03.10, 15:37
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