
Louis Mascotta
Photo: Michael Kramer

Man who stole soldier's weapon convicted

Court accepts deal that sees Muhammad Majadla plead guilty to stealing M-16 rifle from solider stationed in Tel Aviv, sends him to 32 months in jail

The Tel Aviv District Court sentenced Muhammad Majadla, who stole an M-16 rifle from a solider stationed at the IDF's Tel Aviv base to 32 months in prison.


Monday's sentence was rendered as part of a plea bargain Majadla struck with the prosecution, under which he pled guilty to arms trafficking, conspiracy to commit a robbery, to which aggravated circumstances were attributed, and fraudulently receiving benefits.


Justice Gilad Neuthal noted in his ruling that "while there is no contest as to the gravity of (the defendant's) actions, I must take into consideration that fact that he is only 23, which allows for some mitigation in sentencing."


Majadla was also sentenced to 18 months probation and a NIS 2,500 ($672) fine.


Majadla's case was tied to another felony, in which IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi's credit card and gun were stolen from his office, by Rakez Shalabia of Qalansawe and soldier Louis Mascotta.


The former was convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime, attempted arms trafficking, carrying a weapon and attempt to carry a weapon. The latter was convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime, aiding and abetting arms trafficking and a robbery and robbery, to which aggravated circumstances were attributed.



פרסום ראשון: 05.03.10, 17:05
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