
Photo: AP

Illegal house's razing sparks riot in Tayibe

Hundreds protest demolition of illegal building in Arab town, torch city hall and stone security forces. One soldier lightly hurt, police temporarily close Route 444

Hundreds rioted in the Tayibe area Monday, following the razing of an illegally built house in the Arab town, on Sunday.


During the riot demonstrators waving PLO flags stoned security forces and set the City building on fire.


One female solider sustained mild wounds and was taken to Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. The police had no choice but to temporarily close Route 444, near the Triangle, until the riot died down.


"This entire protest is about illegal construction. What's happening here is scary. We're not Palestinians, but with all these flags, it's like there's an intifada," a Tayibe resident told Ynet.


Firefighters from the nearby Kfar Saba Fire Station were called to the area following the torching of city hall, but were stoned by rioters. The fire was put out only after security forces were able to pull the crowds away.


The Tayibe riots began Sunday, as building inspectors attempted to raze an illegally built houses. The razing was completed, but rioters torched the local municipal building, as well as several public pay phones and the local post office.


פרסום ראשון: 05.03.10, 21:19
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