
Burnt mosque in West Bank
Photo: Reuters

Firefighters suspect arson at mosque

Investigators say ruled out electrical fire at West Bank mosque, bolstering Palestinian arson claims

Firefighters investigating the burnt mosque in the West Bank said Thursday the probability of arson was high, which will force police to become involved.


Senior firefighter Jacky Binyamin told Ynet that although no inflammatory materials were found at the scene, the team had ruled out the possibility of an electrical fire and therefore arson seemed more probable.


The mosque, located in the village of Luban Al Sharqiya, caught fire in the beginning of the week and suffered extensive damage. Palestinians are accusing settlers of torching as part of their 'price tag policy'.


Binyamin added that the investigation had been carried out with the full cooperation of the Palestinian Authority's fire investigators. "All of the findings gathered at the mosque were sent to forensics for investigation," he said.


Investigators began by probing the suspicion that the fire was caused by an electrical shortage, but now suspect arson may have been the case.


On Wednesday the mosque was visited by Rabbi Menachem Froman. "The torching of a mosque, according to Jewish halacha, is equal to the torching of a synagogue. I will bring dozens of settlers to repair the burnt mosque," he said.


"Judaism opposes such acts and once the investigation is completed I will bring by a few dozen settlers in work clothes to help rebuild the mosque."


פרסום ראשון: 05.06.10, 16:29
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