
Hamas gunmen in Gaza (archives)
Photo: AFP

Hamas arrests alleged collaborators with Israel

Security source in Strip says no mercy will be shown to those who spy on other Palestinians

A Hamas security official said Wednesday that security forces in Gaza are rounding up suspected collaborators with Israel.


He said so far five people have been arrested in overnight raids, adding that suspects will go to trial and that no mercy will be shown to those who spy on other Palestinians.


He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the arrests.


Anwar al-Baradawi, who heads the campaign against collaboration with Israel, said collaborators can still turn themselves in without being harmed.


"We are making every effort to bring back to the people those who fell victim to Israel's deception and aided the occupation, but we will strike without mercy anyone who tries to compromise the homeland's security and public safety.


"The government in Gaza has set July 10 as the last day collaborators can turn themselves in within the framework of the amnesty plan," he added.


In April, the Hamas government executed two accused collaborators. It was the first time the death penalty had been carried out in Gaza since the Islamic militant Hamas violently seized power there in June 2007.


Israel's Shin Bet domestic security service maintains a network of informers in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.


פרסום ראשון: 07.07.10, 10:12
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