
Abu Hajaj family's home in Gaza
Photo: Muhammad Sabah, B'Tselem

'Military has no sense of humanity'

Relatives of Gaza women killed in Operation Cast Lead say decision to indict soldier responsible not enough

The relatives of the Abu Hajaj women from the Gaza Strip who were shot dead during Operation Cast Lead welcomed news of the decision to indict the soldier that caused their deaths with restraint.


Holding the same white flags they say they were waving when Staff Sgt. S. opened fire at them, they said the indictment was not enough, and demanded that the entire IDF and its branches and officials be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


"We reached a distance of 100 meters from the tank and we waved two white flags, but they shot us," said Muhammad Abu Hajaj, a relative of Majda Abu Hajaj and her mother Raya, who were killed in the incident.


Staff Sgt. S. of the Givati Brigade, is charged with the criminal offense of killing an unidentified person when he opened fire at a group of civilians against protocol. According to his testimony, he identified a hit of an unknown figure.


Majda's brother, Yousef, said the soldier "opened fire at them in cold blood. The others who were with him were afraid, but they didn't stop, not for a second, to check on the injured because the fire was so heavy. This proves that the military has no emotions or a sense of humanity, even when it sees children under fire."


B'Tselem welcomed the move and expressed hopes that other cases such as this one also end in the prosecution of those responsible.


Meanwhile, the soldier's lawyer claimed his client was not linked to the incident and said the decision to prosecute him is baseless. Nonetheless, the IDF backed the decision.



פרסום ראשון: 07.07.10, 21:08
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