
Photo: Noam Moskowitz

Rightist suspected of nationalistically motivated activity

Suspect claims Shin Bet pushed him to commit acts. Case's full details under gag order

A right-wing activist was arrested Tuesday night on suspicion he was involved in nationalistically motivated acts. The suspect claimed Shin Bet elements tried to push him into committing the acts. A gag order was placed on the case's full details.


Last week a resident of the Yitzhar settlement was arrested on suspicion of involvement in a shooting incident in which a 16-year-old Palestinian was killed some two months ago.


The suspect, who holds a license to carry a firearm, denied the allegations, and police said they would examine his version of events.


Some two weeks ago the Supreme Court rejected a petition submitted by the organization Honenu and extreme right-wing activist Neriah Ofen against the IDF decision forbidding Ofen to be in the east Jerusalem neighborhoods of Neve Yaacov and Pisgat Zeev.


Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish rejected the petition and ruled that the security establishment had information indicating that he was involved in violent acts, some of which he himself led, which were against the law and undermined public peace and security.



פרסום ראשון: 07.14.10, 08:48
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