
Photo: Natan Dvir
Amdocs CEO Dov Baharav
Photo: Natan Dvir

AT&T, Amdocs launch Israel innovation center

Leading telecommunications company, Israeli provider aim to help local start-up companies develop new products with new center in Raanana

Israeli company Amdocs and American telecommunications giant AT&T are looking for the next big thing. The companies are launching an innovation center, to provide Israeli start-ups with access to AT&T's resources and information to enable them to develop new products.


The American telecommunications company has decided to open three innovation centers around the world, and the first center will be located at Amdocs' offices in Raanana.


"This is a historic moment," Amdocs CEO Dov Baharav said last week, speaking to the press for the first time since his appointment in 2002.


"AT&T is the world's largest telecommunications company in terms of income, with over 90 million cellular subscribers. Amdocs started working with it in 1985, as a start-up. Perhaps this cooperation will yield the next Amdocs."


A group of AT&T executives visited Israel for the event, including Operations President and CEO John Stankey and Chief Technology Officer John Donovan.


Donovan explained that innovation center will have two main tracks – an open track, in which Israeli start-ups can approach the company with new ideas, and a guided track, in which the center will focus on specific projects and seek out the relevant products and companies.


Cooperation with the local start-up companies may pave the way for AT&T or Amdocs to invest in them, and may even lead to acquisition deals.



פרסום ראשון: 07.31.10, 09:38
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