
Supporters blow whistles
Photo: Ofer Amram

Pearlman supporters clash with cops

Police say protestors backing 'Jewish terrorist' gathered illegally outside court hearing his case

Supporters of Haim Pearlman, dubbed a "Jewish terrorist", clashed with security forces Monday outside a Petah Tikvah court hearing on his case. His wife, who was once again prohibited from seeing him, was also present.


Police forces that arrived on the scene said the supporters had gathered in an illegal protest, and attempted to disperse them. Some of those present, including Pearlman's wife, Keren, succeeded in reaching and banging on vehicles belonging to the Prison Service.  

Keren Pearlman (right) attends protest (Photo: Ofer Amram)


The protestors also called out accusations at Shin Bet officials attending the hearing, who did not respond.


The Petah Tikvah District Court rejected Pearlman's appeal Monday, keeping him in police custody. He is accused of murdering four Palestinians in the late '90s, and attempting to murder seven others.


The court also decided that David Sitbon, suspected of stealing ammunition from an IDF base at Pearlman's behest, would not be allowed to see his attorney, Adi Keidar, due to a Shin Bet request. Sitbon's arrest was remanded earlier Monday.


Jerusalem Police and the Shin Bet suspect Sitbon, who studied with Pearlman in the past, broke into an army base and stole weapons and ammunition along with an additional, unidentified person in order to convey them to the main suspect.



פרסום ראשון: 07.19.10, 17:57
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