
Israeli-Egyptian border (archives)
Photo: Tamar Dressler

Border Guard force kills smuggler, seizes 800 kg of marijuana

Officers detect group of people crossing Egyptian border into Israel with camels, fire after suspects fail to stop as ordered. One suspect dies, another flees hospital

A drug smuggling suspect was killed by Border Guard fire on Saturday night in the Mount Harif area. Two additional suspects were injured and rushed to a hospital after the force seized 800 kg of marijuana.


One of the injured suspects managed to flee the hospital, and police have launched a search for him. 


A special Border Guard force detected a group of smugglers crossing the Egyptian border with camels and fired at them after the group refused to stop as ordered.


Three of the smuggling suspects were injured as a result. They were treated at the scene and later taken to the Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba via a military helicopter.


One of the suspects died on the way to the hospital, another was admitted with moderate wounds, and the third refused medical treatment and managed to escape from the institution.


The confiscated drugs were turned over to the Dimona police station.


Several tons of narcotics were seized in the last week in various drug smuggling attempts into Israeli territory.



פרסום ראשון: 08.01.10, 11:26
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