
Photo:Hagay Aharon
Photo:Hagay Aharon

IDF fires at Lebanese fishing boat

Army confirms warning shots fired in direction of boat that sailed in restricted area; no injuries

The Lebanese army said Saturday night that the IDF fired towards its territorial waters in the early morning hours. The Israeli army confirmed that forces opened fire on a Lebanese fishing boat that was sailing in a restricted area and did not respond when it was ordered to return to Lebanese territory.


There were no reports of injury in the incident.


In a statement, the Lebanese army said, "As part of the continued violations of Resolution 1701, a hostile Israeli warship dared to open fire at 4 am."


According to the statement, the Israeli vessel "fired a number of bullets towards Lebanon's territorial waters."


The IDF said forces fired warning shots when the boat did not return to the "permitted area."


The incident occurred just four days after heavy exchanges of fire along the Israeli-Lebanese border left a senior IDF officer and three Lebanese dead.


פרסום ראשון: 08.08.10, 07:39
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