
Temple Mount. Will riots spark here?
Photo: AFP

Defense establishment fears riots during Ramadan

Arab Israeli sentiment towards authorities at low point after Negev demolitions of Bedouin village, imprisonment of Raed Salah. Concern that potential riots on Temple Mount could spread to other towns

"The situation is more volatile than ever, and the relative quiet is misleading. The sentiment of Arab Israelis towards the establishment is at an all-time low," a defense establishment official said during a meeting convened by Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, during which significant concerns were voiced that a potential security escalation could take place during Ramadan.


During the meeting, concern was raised that potential riots on the Temple Mount may spread to additional towns, Ynet learned on Thursday.


Taking part in the meeting were representatives from the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry, the Justice Ministry, the Shin Bet, Israeli Police, and Israel Prison Services. Reports were provided regarding heightened agitation in mixed cities, such as Jaffa, Ramla, and Akko following a series of sensitive events touching on Arab-Jewish relations recently.


Among the recent events mentioned were demolitions of Arab homes throughout the country, including in the unrecognized Bedouin village al-Arakib in the Negev, the imprisonment of Raed Salah, and police support of Shahar Mizrahi, who shot an Arab intruder to death.


In order to address the threats, the internal security minister ordered a number of measures be taken, including keeping potential inciters away from hot spots via the Jewish and Arab unit of the Shin Bet, and broad deployment of police to prevent frictions between Jewish and Arab worshippers.


Police have already held a special training session in Ben Shemen Forest in preparation for potential disturbances on the Temple Mount. The police intelligence unit has created a new desk to coordinate all activities ahead of the month of Ramadan.


Minister Aharonovitch, who will be at the Temple Mount during this Friday's prayers, sent a Ramadan greeting to the Israel's Muslim citizens during which he asked that quiet be maintained.


Senior officials in Aharonovitch's ministry said, "The relative quiet is misleading. A small aberrant event on the Temple Mount will have a broad international impact and could drag in an entire country. The Ramadan period does not only have implications for Jerusalem, but for the entire Arab sector from north to south. There is fertile ground for disturbances, and we will undertake any action to maintain order."


Jerusalem District Police completed their preparations ahead of Friday's prayers. Starting Friday morning, thousands of policemen will be deployed under the command of Jerusalem District Commander Aharon Franco in east Jerusalem and the alleyways of the Old City with the objective of allowing freedom of worship to thousands of Muslims while maintaining order and security.


The police reported, "Entry from the territories will be permitted to men between the ages of 45 and 50 by permit, and men older than 50 freely. Women between the ages of 35 and 45 will be allowed entry by permit and above the age of 45 freely. The police will block any attempt to disturb peace and security instigated by any element."



פרסום ראשון: 08.12.10, 15:44
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