
Police forces at embassy Tuesday
Photo: Yaron Brener

Embassy affair: Turkey slams Israeli security

Following shooting incident at Tel Aviv embassy, Ankara reportedly tells Jerusalem: We protect your diplomats and expect you to do the same

The Turkish government relayed a harsh message to Israel following Tuesday's shooting incident in Turkey's Tel Aviv embassy, the Turkiye newspaper reported Thursday.


A Palestinian asylum seeker who entered the embassy Tuesday was shot after attempting to take hostages at the site. Embassy officials said he used a knife and a toy gun during the incident.


"We adopt various means in order to protect your diplomats," the Turks reportedly told Israel in the wake of the incident. "You too should fulfill your duty. It's our right to expect this from you."


On Wednesday, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported that Turkey has asked Israel to step up the level of security around its embassy building in Tel Aviv following Tuesday's incident.


This incident proved there is a weak spot in security," a Turkish source told the newspaper. "The outcome of the attack would have been worse had our security people not acted on time."


The Palestinian involved in the incident, Nidam Injaz, was shot in the leg and was held in the embassy for five hours before being transferred to Ichilov Hospital for treatment.


Responding to Turkey's charges, police officials said that as opposed to Turkish claims, the man was allowed into the embassy and did not barge in. Oמ Wednesday, the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court extended Ingazj's remand by a week.



פרסום ראשון: 08.19.10, 11:09
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