
Shot in stomach (illustration)
Photo: Ablestock

Brooklyn: Rabbi's son shot over $5

Rabbinical student hospitalized after courageously fighting armed robbers outside his home

The son of a prominent Brooklyn rabbi has been hospitalized after being shot while courageously defending $5 armed robbers tried to steal from him, the New York Post reported Monday.


According to the report, 25-year-old Baruch Halberstam, is a rabbinical student in a Brooklyn yeshiva and is about to become a rabbi himself.


About two weeks ago, on August 10, he was standing outside his home in Brooklyn when he was approached by former prisoner Jaquan Vaughn, who was accompanied by another person and armed with a gun.


The two demanded that Halberstam give them money, but he fought back and was shot once in the stomach during the struggle.


The robbers searched for money and valuables in Halberstam's pockets, but according to the police, they were forced to flee with only $5 which they found in their victim's pockets.


Halberstam, the father of four, remains hospitalized in stable condition.


The two assailants were caught after eyewitnesses, who saw them speeding off in a white van, gave a description of the vehicle to the police. Vaughn, who was arrested Friday, confessed to shooting and robbing Halberstam.



פרסום ראשון: 08.23.10, 11:04
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