
Barak with Ashkenazi
Photo: AP

Barak asks Ashkenazi to stay on until Feb. 2011

Defense minister meets with IDF chief after Galant appointment, asks him to stay until term ends

Defense Minister Ehud Barak asked IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi on Tuesday to remain at his post until the end of his term despite the early and speedy appointment of his successor, Major-General Yoav Galant.


The defense minister met with Ashkenazi at the IDF Headquarters in Tel Aviv. Barak praised the army chief for his contribution to Israel's security, and asked him to remain until the end of his term, which is set to conclude in February 2011.


Tuesday morning, Barak met with Galant for the first time after the latter was designated as Israel's next army chief.


Galant will now make an effort to tie up all loose ends at his current position as GOC Southern Command in order to focus on the transition into his new post. His successor will be nominated in the coming weeks.


Later Tuesday, Barak was scheduled to meet with Major-Generals Avi Mizrahi and Gadi Eizenkot and ask them to remain in the army despite having lost the race for IDF chief. Benny Gantz, who was also in line for the position, is expected to retire from the military.


פרסום ראשון: 08.24.10, 15:34
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