
Itay Ben Dror
Photo: Avi Moalem

Psychiatrist says alleged child-killer fit for trial

Attorney of Itay Ben Dror, accused of stabbing his three children, says he will ask for second opinion

A district psychiatrist filed his expert opinion with the Petah Tikvah District Court Sunday saying that Itay Ben Dror, who is charged with stabbing his three children to death, is fit to stand trial.


The psychiatry report says Ben Dror could distinguish between right and wrong at the time of the crime and can therefore be held accountable for his actions.


Ben Dror's attorney, Ran Alon, intends too ask the court to allow a psychiatrist from the defense to analyze his client. Until then, the court will act according to the opinion filed.


In July the court ruled that Ben Dror was fit for imprisonment. The uncle of the three victims – Or, Roni, and Omer – accused the defendant of faking insanity to avoid penalty. "Until today he says he thinks he did the right thing, but it's clear he's faking and that he is fit to stand trial," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 09.12.10, 09:27
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