
Suspicion of foul play (Illustration)
Photo: Shai Shmueli

Kiev police probing possible murder of Israeli

Israeli real estate broker and his partner initially believed to have perished due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Recent evidence suggest the couple was murdered

The Israeli Embassy in Kiev is investigating the possibility that an Israeli living in the Ukrainian capital, and his partner, were murdered.


The man's family received word last week that the couple died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, caused by a gas leak in their apartment. Further investigation, however, raised suspicions of foul play.


The Israeli (38) was a real estate broker who relocated to Kiev several years ago. The investigation thus far has not revealed any criminal activity he may have been involved in.


The man's family, Ynet learned Monday, had doubts as to the circumstances of their loved one's death.


The family contacted the Kiev Police, "And found that he was actually shot, turning the case into a murder investigation," a friend of the family told Ynet.


"The police also found evidence of a struggle and blood stains, but have yet to arrest any suspects."


Faced with stonewalling authorities and lack of information as to what might have led to the tragic event, the family contacted the Foreign Ministry. Israeli Embassy personnel are liaising with the Kiev police and have assisted in ensuring the body's transpiration back to Israel. The man's funeral is expected later Monday.


The Foreign Ministry confirmed that "We are familiar with this case and so is the Israeli Embassy in Kiev. We have asked local Ukrainian authorities to investigate."



פרסום ראשון: 09.13.10, 08:14
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