
Police at crime scene
Photo: Shai Vaknin
Photo: Shai Vaknin
Multiple stab wounds. Ibrahim
Photo: Shai Vaknin
Mouniv Ibrahim
Photo courtesy of Panet website

Suspected murder-suicide in north

Woman found dead in Western Galilee home with stab wounds to upper body; her husband found hanging from ceiling nearby; couple's children apparently witnessed murder

A 41-year-old woman was found stabbed to death overnight Thursday at her home in Kfar Samia in the Western Galilee.


Police and Magen David Adom crews also found the dead body of the woman's 49-year-old husband hanging from the ceiling of the house.


The woman was identified as Najua Ibrahim, a school principal. The husband was identified as Mouniv Ibrahim.


The couple's five children were at home during the murder, and three of them apparently witnessed their father stab his wife and commit suicide.


Outside the family's home in Kfar Samia (Photo: Shai Vaknin) 


According to the initial police investigation, the eldest son, 16, sustained light injuries to his hand while trying to stop his father.


Police and medical crews were alerted to the scene at around 3:20 am. They found one of the daughters holding her bleeding mother and yelling, "Resuscitate her! Save her!"


"When we entered the home we found a man hanging from a rope in an inner stairwell, and we pronounced his death," paramedic Raviv Avraham said. "People inside the home led us to the bedroom, where a woman was lying on the floor, dead, with stab wounds to the upper part of her body."


Galilee District Police Spokesman Superintendent Eran Shaked said, "Investigators suspect the incident was a murder-suicide within the family," adding that the couple was not known to police.



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