
Photo: AFP

Oktoberfest, West Bank style

Ramallah-adjacent village of Taybeh hosts local version of famed Bavarian beer festival

Residents of the Christian Palestinian village of Taybeh, a West Bank community located 7.5 miles northeast of the Ramallah, hosted their own version of Oktoberfest Saturday.


The West Bank version of the famed, 200-years-old Bavarian festival is an annual occurrence in Taybeh and the hundreds of visitors – both from the West Bank and around the world – can sample, aside from the obligatory pint, a large variety of local dishes and enjoy various shows and attractions, such as plays and dance performances.

Visitors from all over the world. Taybeh's Oktoberfest (Photo: AFP)


Nadim Huri, founder and owner of the Taybeh brewery, has been manufacturing beer since 1994. Not forgetting his Muslim cliental, Huri also brews non-alcoholic beer. "My focus in the local market," he said.


The brewery, he added, also exports beer to Japan and Israel.






פרסום ראשון: 10.02.10, 23:28
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