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Youth suspected of posting Shin Bet official's photo on YouTube

Police suspect West Bank teen filmed head of agency's Jewish division during tour of Hebron, then posted footage on Internet

A 17-year-old resident of the northern West Bank was detained by Ariel Police on Thursday on suspicion of distributing photos of the head of the Shin Bet's Jewish division.


Following his interrogation, the teenager was released to his home under restricting conditions and was summoned for additional questioning at a later date. The boy exercised his right to remain silent throughout most of the questioning session, but denied the allegations.


According to police, a few months ago the teenager filmed the senior Shin Bet official while he was touring the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and shouted at him in a way that may be interpreted as threatening.


Later, police said, the teenager posted the footage on YouTube.


According to the law, it is forbidden to publish photos or details of Shin Bet operatives. The police believe the youth did not act innocently and intend to prosecute him to the full extent of the law.



פרסום ראשון: 10.07.10, 22:29
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