
Modu T smartphone
Photo: Omri Levy

Indian firm to distribute Modu T-phone

World's lightest smartphone, created by Dov Moran and launched last week, will be sold by third largest distribution company in India – Micromax. Phone and two 'jackets' to cost $280

Modu in India: Dov Moran's company, which launched tiny smartphone Modu T last week, announced Wednesday that it has its first customer – Micromax, the third largest Indian distribution company, Calcalist reported.


The Indian company will launch the Modu T on Friday, as part of a local festival marking Diwali, one of the most important holidays in India.


The value of the transaction has not yet been disclosed, most likely because it is dependent on phone sales.


Micromax will sell the cellular phone as part of a package that includes two “jackets,” which are add-on sets for the Modu. The package will cost 12,500 rupee, the equivalent of $282.


The Modu T is a 3.5 generation smartphone with a 2.2 inch touch screen. The phone has Qualcomm's Brew operating system and an array of Java-based applications, including Snaptu, Facebook, Flickr and media player TuneWiki. Weighing in at only 60 grams and measuring 7.5 centimeters, it is considered the lightest smartphone in the world.



פרסום ראשון: 10.21.10, 07:40
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