
Palestinians detained in Jordan Valley (archives)
Photo: AFP

IDF collecting rifles from Jordan Valley emergency squads

Decision comes after two rifles stolen from homes; residents say 'any hesitation on part of emergency squads can cost lives,' call decision 'dangerous'

The army's top commander in the Jordan Valley, Col. Yochai Ben-Yishai, instructed his forces on Sunday to collect all rifles belonging to the local communities' emergency squads, this after two rifles were stolen from homes in the community of Shadmot Mechola.


In response, The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel sent Ben-Yishai a letter saying, "As far as we know, the stolen rifles were kept in a safe with two locks, in accordance with security regulations.


"The incident must be investigated, but preventing the Jordan Valley's residents from protecting themselves is unreasonable and dangerous," the letter read. "Any hesitation on the part of the emergency squads can cost lives."


The locals are demanding that IDF emergency squads be stationed in their communities in case the colonel's decision is upheld. A copy of the letter was sent to Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Central Command chief Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrahi.


Jordan Valley Regional Council Chairman David Alhiani called the decision "very unusual."


"If the army wants to assume responsibility – go ahead – but this is a vast area, and the army usually arrives about 40 minutes after an incident begins. Therefore, it's important that our people will be able to provide an initial response," he said.


The IDF said the rifles were not confiscated, but rather gathered in armories inside the communities.


Hanan Greenberg contributed to the report  



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