
Female soldier (archives)
Photo: AP

Knesset against firing pregnant soldiers

MKs approve first reading of bill prohibiting early release of pregnant soldiers, women on maternity leave or on unpaid vacation 60 days after birth, unless approved by defense minister

The Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee on Monday approved the first reading of a bill prohibiting the early release of female soldiers serving in the standing army on grounds of them being either pregnant, on maternity leave or on unpaid vacation for a 60 day period following the birth, unless approved otherwise by the defense minster.


IDF officials have announced that during the past six months of the last legislative stage, the firing of nine pregnant women serving in the standing army was denied and only five other women were assigned early release.


According to the bill presented by Committee Chairman and Knesset Member Haim Katz (Likud) and MK Miri Regev (Likud), the former IDF spokeswoman, the permission to fire a soldier will not be given before the soldier gets a chance to make her plea.


In addition, even if the minister approves the soldier's release, she will be allowed to appeal the release notice and his decision.


"This is good news to all female soldiers serving in the standing army, who will soon be protected from random dismissals," said MK Katz.


The bill will be presented for final approval at the Knesset General Assembly in the upcoming days.



פרסום ראשון: 10.27.10, 13:48
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