
Home Front Chief Golan
Photo: Yaron Brener

IDF Home Front engineers on strike

Fortification work on hold as civilian engineers working for IDF seek improved terms, Ynet learns

Civilian engineers working for the IDF Home Front Command have been striking for several days now, holding up fortification work across Israel, Ynet has learned.


The engineers, who are in charge of approving fortification plans, are striking over what they refer to as "unbearable working conditions." They say that they are facing an immense burden because of new fortification regulations.


"They are working around the clock – this is what happens when a fortification policy is in place. They need to approve dozens and hundreds of projects, and it has become almost impossible," a source familiar with the situation told Ynet.


Senior IDF officials are scheduled to hold an emergency discussion on the matter Sunday in a bid to resolve it.


For the time being, as result of the strike, private individuals as well as local authority officials had not been given permits to build secured rooms and perform other fortification work.


The IDF Spokesman's Office issued the following statement: "Home Front engineers are civilian employees of the IDF. Home Front Command Chief Yair Golan ordered that the issue be handed immediately in order to find a solution. The Home Front Command will aim to improve the engineers' working conditions."


פרסום ראשון: 11.05.10, 20:45
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