
No work or school. Illustration
Photo: Koby Koankes

7% of Israeli teenagers don't study or work

Figures published ahead of International Children's Day by Central Bureau of Statistics reveal 24,388 teenagers between ages of 15-17 did not attend school or work during 2009

According to a report published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, 24,388 teenagers living in Israel do not work or study.


The report indicated that some 6.7% of teenage boys between the ages of 15 and 17 did not attend school or work during 2009.


The figures, presented Wednesday ahead of International Children's Day, suggest that the situation is far worse in the Arab sector, with 13% of teenagers not working or attending an educational institution.


According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, some 364,000 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17 live in Israel, of which 92.1% attended school in 2009. Another 1.2% left school in order to work and the rest did not attend school or join the job market.


The statistics also reveal that one of every three people handled by the welfare office is a child, with a total of 428,862 children receiving different social aid services.


Some 54% of children treated at the welfare offices suffer from "family dysfunction," which includes educational and behavioral problems, or dysfunctional relations between children and their parents. An additional 4,829 children are treated for violence at home and 3,289 for violence against children.


More than 2,000 teenage girls up to the age of 17 married during 2008, representing 4.8% of total nuptials that year. Of all the teenage girls to tie the knot, 83% were Muslims.


According to the data, 516 teenage girls up to the age of 17 gave birth last year, out of which 436 were Muslim. For 11% the young mothers it was not the first childbirth.


Also in 2009, 1,228 teenage girls, 82% of them Jewish, appealed to a termination of pregnancy committee.



פרסום ראשון: 11.17.10, 18:23
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