
'No more than 5 protestors at a time (Archive)
Photo: Noam Moskowitz

High Court allows settlers to protest outside ministers' homes

Judges issue ruling against police stance enabling settlers to hold protest watches outside homes of Shas ministers Yishai, Atias over planned freeze renewal

A High Court of Justice panel reversed a police decision Monday and ruled that settlers should be allowed to hold protest watches outside the homes of Shas ministers Eli Yishai and Ariel Atias against the planned renewed construction freeze.


Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish and judges Eliezer Rivlin and Asher Grunis accepted a petition filed by members of the Shomron and Binyamin joint settlers committee and ruled that the demonstration should be allowed to take place in accordance with police restrictions.


"Ministers are no more entitled to special protection than regular citizens," the judges stated.


The protest watch will be held five meters from the ministers' houses and will include no more than five activists at a time. It was also decided that the protest will be held in police-approved times and without the use of megaphones.


Police claimed that its objection to the protest stemmed from fear of violation of the ministers' privacy. It also said that authorizing such a demonstration will open a window to events beyond its control.



פרסום ראשון: 11.22.10, 20:36
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