
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini (archives)
Photo: Reuters

Israelis, Italians discuss technology

Italy's top economic officials attend Tel Aviv seminar aimed at increasing cooperation with Israel

ROME – Italy's top economic officials in the science and technology field gathered in Tel Aviv last week for a seminar with their Israeli counterparts.


The event, which dealt with finding new initiatives and funding for start-up investments, was attended by Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer.


According to Dario Peirone, CEO of Turin-based JStone – a subsidiary of CRT Development and Growth Foundation, "As soon as the projects are selected, the Italian investment and the cooperation between the countries will only grow."


Tami Ziv, the economic attaché at the Israeli Embassy in Rome, said that "there is huge interest in Italy in technological cooperation with Israel."



פרסום ראשון: 11.28.10, 08:11
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