
MK Katz. Proposed shooting Bedouins
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Man suspected of calling for MK Katz's murder

State Prosecutor's Office urges police to launch investigation after suspect invites Facebook friends to 'put a bullet in Ketzale-Mengele's head for fun'

The State Prosecutor's Office approached the police Tuesday with a request to launch an investigation against an individual suspected of writing on his Facebook wall "Who's coming to put a bullet in the head of Ketzale-Mengele for fun."


The suspect was referring to National Union Chairman Yaakov Katz.


When one of his Facebook friends suggested his comments were inciting the suspect replied the message was directed at a specific audience. "My wall is restricted to friends only, so it's like a conversation between friends," he wrote. 


He later added the following message: "I suggest we do to him what he proposes to do to the Bedouins, as they say 'an eye for an eye.' I believe in an eye for an eye in the literal sense. I won't cry if Ketzale-Mengele gets hurt."


Last month, MK Katz proposed shooting Bedouins guiding infiltrators from Egypt in order to stop the phenomenon.


Attorney Dan Eldad of the State Prosecutor's Office was the one who approached the police. He believes that the comments raise suspicion that incitement to violence was performed.


On Sunday, an indictment was filed against Uri Baram who called to murder Deputy State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan in a video clip he distributed on the internet.



פרסום ראשון: 01.25.11, 14:18
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