
Ron Ben-Yishai

No fear in Egypt

Op-ed: Despaired Egyptian protestors willing to risk their lives, no longer fear Mubarak regime

The latest indications in Egypt are not encouraging for the Egyptian regime. The masses broke the fear obstacle, and at least their hard core, which numbers thousands of people, is prepared for anything.


The protestors are young men and women, most of them secular and educated, who reached a state of deep, chronic despair as result of the economic situation and the regime's oppressive steps. These demonstrators are therefore willing to risk their lives to see the regime break or completely cave in to their demands.

No fear on Egypt's streets (Photo: AFP)


Many Egyptians climbed on tanks and attempted to convince the soldiers and officers to join them, as happened in Tunisia. Meanwhile, the soldiers have shown maximal restraint initially, largely avoiding fire but displaying great determination in stopping protestors.


The Egyptian army is simultaneously a symbol of national unity and the regime's main political and military power base. Hence, the very decision to deploy it at the heart of the conflict between the regime and the protestors is a dangerous gamble for Mubarak.


Should the army open fire on protestors, Mubarak's regime will lose what is left of its national and international legitimacy, and the fury of the masses will turn into a flame that burns everything.


Another important element that may determine developments in Egypt is the media, and mostly Egyptian and foreign television networks, as well as social networks on the Internet. The images from Egypt and the commentary that accompanies them, for example on al-Jazeera and on BBC, play a prominent role in stirring the passion of the masses.


Social networks are the main organizational means enabling opposition leaders to channel their efforts in pushing the masses into the streets. Earlier, the Egyptian government managed to curb the activity of social networks, yet Mubarak promised to renew their operation (under US and British pressure.) Such move would provide the opposition with a powerful means for stimulating the masses.


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פרסום ראשון: 01.29.11, 19:01
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