
Dairy products. Prices going up

Milk prices to rise in April

Israel's poor population hurt again, as prices of subsidized dairy products to increase by 2-5%

Israel's disadvantaged population hurt once again: The prices of subsidized dairy products are expected to rise in April, in addition to the 3.3% increase in the price of subsidized bread.


The Agriculture Ministry's Vice President of Strategy and Finance Uri Tzuk-Bar, who oversees pricing, estimates that the prices of milk, cultured milk and Emek and Gilboa cheese will rise by 2-3%. The prices of sour cream and butter are expected to increase by 4-5%.


In January, the dairies decided to absorb the marginal price increases, but since then the prices of animal feed, milk and other indices have jumped. The gloomy forecasts are provided by the farmers themselves, who foresee an even more dramatic hike in the prices of unsubsidized dairy products.


"The rising food prices worldwide have caused the price of 1 ton of wheat to jump from $170 to $370," says Israel Farmers Federation Secretary-General Avshalom Vilan. "Raising the price of animal feed will lead to a chain reaction which will send the milk prices up, and later on the prices of poultry, eggs and some fish."


Vilan estimates that the prices of unsubsidized dairy products would rise by about 20%.



פרסום ראשון: 02.13.11, 12:51
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