
Still in captivity - Gilad Shalit
Photo: Amit Magal

1,700 days in captivity

Gilad Shalit's parents to mark ongoing captivity outside prime minister's home Saturday

Abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit has been in Hamas captivity for 1,700 days now, and his family will be marking the sad occasion with a rally outside the Prime Minister's Office Saturday night.


Shalit's parents and brother will again spend the coming Shabbat in their protest tent outside Netanyahu's Jerusalem home. The leader of the Shalit campaign, Shimon Libman, told Ynet that he's been receiving many phone calls from Israelis wondering "why we're not learning from the Egyptians" and boosting the protest movement aimed at securing Shalit's release.


Protest tent in Jerusalem (Photo: Gil Yohanan)


"There is no doubt that we are different than the peoples of this region in respect to the ability to protest on the streets, yet to my regret we're starting to resemble them in respect to our attitude to human beings and their fate," he said.


Libman also expressed his appreciation for outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, who was unable to secure Shalit's release during his term in office.


"His graciousness and power has to do with his ability to admit failure, something which our leadership is unable to do," he said. "I hope that the new army chief will view Gilad's release as a mission that is no less important than the other challenges we're facing."


Referring to Shalit's parents, Libman said: "They cling to the belief that they must not end their struggle, because they do not have the privilege to despair. The only thing they can do is feel shame that Gilad has not returned yet after 1,700 in Hamas' cellars."


Saturday's rally in Jerusalem will be held at 8 pm, with attendants including Agriculture Minister Orit Noked, former Shin Bet Chief Carmi Gillon, and author Meir Shalev. Singer Yizhar Cohen will be performing at the site.



פרסום ראשון: 02.18.11, 16:02
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