
Device found by Lebanese army

Lebanon army says dismantles Israeli spy device

Army claims surveillance camera built to resemble rock found near Tyre based on information from 'resistance sources'

The Lebanese army said on Thursday it had uncovered and dismantled an Israeli surveillance camera near the southern port city of Tyre.


The army said the device had been discovered based on information passed to Lebanese intelligence by "resistance sources", a reference to Shiite militant group Hezbollah which maintains a stronghold in the south.


An army statement said the device, built to resemble a rock, was capable of monitoring a 15 km (10 mile) stretch of the southern coast from al-Bayyada to Tyre and could be operated using spy drones. Asked for comment, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she would check the report.


In December the army uncovered two similar devices in mountains above Beirut. Lebanon's prime minister at the time, Saad al-Hariri, urged the United Nations in January to increase pressure on Israel to end all violations of Lebanese borders.


UN Security Council resolution 1701 ended hostilities in the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006. The resolution bans all unauthorized weapons between the Litani River and the Blue Line, the UN-monitored border between Israel and Lebanon.


It also called on Israel to halt all unauthorized flights over Lebanese territory, a near daily occurrence.



פרסום ראשון: 03.17.11, 18:38
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