
Ronen Bar Shira
Photo: Avi Moalem

Ronen Bar Shira indicted for fraud in Shalit scandal

Indictment says 'serial scam artist' took advantage of tragedies and hardships to cheat individuals, organizations out of more than million shekels

Ronen Bar Shira, who is being accused of pocketing donations he solicited for the Shalit campaign and the victims of the Carmel wildfire, was indicted Thursday. The charges against him include 14 counts of fraud and money laundering. Bar Shira is believed to have stolen around $350,000.


According to the indictment, Bar Shira "committed acts of fraud in a systematic manner while taking advantage of personal tragedies to make a hefty profit."


In the 40-page indictment, the State describes Bar Shira as a "serial scam artist" and details how he allegedly cheated individuals and organizations who asked to contribute to the campaign for the release of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.


"(The plaintiff) took advantage of disasters and hardships when he approached potential donors and told them he was raising funds on behalf of the victims," the indictment states.


"Particularly troubling is the fact that he used Gilad Shalit's kidnapping and the fire in the Carmel region for personal gain."



פרסום ראשון: 03.24.11, 10:52
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