
New agreement will help "realize the human capital within institutions of higher learning"
Photo: Shaul Golan
Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar
Photo: Flash 90

Colleges approved for government research funding

Unprecedented agreement will see colleges receiving government research funding for first time. 'New chapter in college development,' says Professor Manual Trachtenberg

An unprecedented agreement signed between the Finance Ministry and representatives from local colleges will, for the first time, allow college staff to receive government funding for research, something that has, until now, been reserved for universities alone. Colleges that sought to promote their academic activities were forced to seek funding from philanthropists and private organizations.


Head of the Budgetary and Planning Committee Professor Manuel Trachtenberg, who is responsible for budget distribution between the State and academic institutions, announced the new agreement Thursday at a National Council for Higher Learning conference. According to Trachtenberg, the signed draft agreement was sent for approval and is expected to receive the official stamp of approval after the Passover holiday.


"I'm sure that this day will be remembered as the day that launched a new chapter in college development as it is unthinkable that a situation exists where someone from the academia is told that they aren't allowed to engage in research," Trachtenberg noted.


"The opposite is true; we must encourage the issue and enable any researcher or academia staff member to fulfill their potential. Only this way will we be able to realize the human capital within institutions of higher learning."


Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar who serves as the chairman of the National Council for Higher Education addressed the issue and called it "an important agreement for Israel's academia," which constitutes part of a multi-year plan to increase excellence and approachability to higher learning.


Sources within the academia have mentioned that universities need not be concerned that their status would be hurt by the new funding agreement as the majority of funding will still be distributed to universities due to their standing as leading research institutes in Israel while colleges will continue to focus on teaching, which is their main function.



פרסום ראשון: 04.10.11, 11:51
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