
Bilin protest (Archive photo)
Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg

Officer injured by Palestinian protester

Bilin rally turns violent: Officer hit in face with stone, protester injured by Ruger rifle bullet

A Border Guard officer was lightly injured Friday by a stone thrown at his face and a Palestinian protester was injured by a Ruger rifle bullet during an anti-fence protest in Bilin.


The weekly protest at the West Bank village was in memory of the Italian pro-Palestinian activist killed by terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda in Gaza Thursday, Vittorio Arrigoni.


Some 300 protesters marched towards the security fence and clashed with security and Border Guard forces stationed there.


The protesters threw rocks at the forces, who responded with riot-dispersal means. After the officer was hit in the face, soldiers fired with Ruger rifle fire.


The IDF makes use of the rifle from time to time, whose bullets are classified as live but not deadly fire. It is only fired by marksmen, as it causes more serious injury than rubber bullets.


Two years ago a protester was killed when hit from close range by Ruger rifle fire. Activists in Bilin and Naalin claim that use of the weapon is unlawful.



פרסום ראשון: 04.15.11, 23:43
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