
Immeasurable debt. Danino
Photo: Gil Yohanan

New police chief vows to remember fallen

Israel Police holds service commemorating 1,268 officers killed in the line of duty

The Israel Police commemorated its 1,268 fallen officers Monday at a ceremony held in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.


The ceremony followed the State ceremony marking Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day, honoring the memory of 22,867 servicemen and victims of terror. The ceremony was preceded by a two-minute siren, which sounded across Israel.


Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino headed the service, attended by all top members of the police brass.


Danino noted that 19 police officers were killed in the line of duty over the past year, adding: "The debt we owe these fallen officers is immeasurable. It is a debt based on existential necessity, and one we cannot afford to forget.


'Remember their heroism' (Photo: Police Spokesman)


The new commissioner did his best to avoid the controversy surrounding the recognition of firefighters who died during the Carmel fire as servicemen killed in the line of duty, but did note that "officers, cadets and prison guards rushed into the flames to save lives and never returned.


"We must always remember their heroism. We must always remember they were on a mission to save lives – we must always remember, for that is the core of our strength."


Stav Spivak contributed to this report



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